Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Have you ever had the creepy feeling that your living world is actually something you are dreaming?

There is an eerie calm this year as Uganda looms in the distance. Today all three of my classroom areas are clean, books packed away, portfolios graded, report card grades submitted and tomorrow marks the end of the sthis school year.

The math team website is created with every page September ready. Bill payments have been automated . IPhone has been cancelled (that really hurt!) Rent checks written. Medications packed. The 21st century has finally been joined with the purchase of a digital camera.

Half of my supplies are ready for packing. Last year at this time (3 days away) I only had my medical in order. I didn't even know what I needed to bring. I actually went shopping the morning of my flight and was packing until it was time to go to the airport!! It was CRAZY! Sometimes I wonder what part of me revels in the madness of the last minute. What is it in my constitution that demands stress filled situations?

Maybe that is why there is a sense of calm. There is no rushing only a stand against the usually tendency to create stress for myself.

Although a part of me wants to run through the apartment screaming at the top of my lungs "I'm leaving Saturday! What the hell am I doing?!!!"

So maybe Maybe, just maybe it is denial....

My assignment this year is Anaka. Gulu is the town that is the nearest to this location.

Gulu has hotels, bars, coffee shops, internet cafes, restaurants and a central market place. Anaka does not...maybe this is the cosmic equivalent of a time out. Posts will only be able to occur once a week (although I am going to try to find out if I can post through texting from Uganda)....since I will only be able to access an internet cafe on the weekends.

Once I reach Uganda on Monday June 28th, I will buy a Ugandan sim card and will post my new phone number as soon as possible. Calls can be received for free so start getting some phone cards. Your voices will save me from becoming home sick!

But I digress, ye gods I am a horrific writer. Feelings.....are torn between wanting to go and wanting to stay. Thanks for bearing through. This really shows me how much you love me :)


  1. Raysa, I look forward to reading about your Uganda adventure. Enjoy every minute of it. I await my travels through your experiences. Janice

  2. Yay, you're actually doing pretty well and not being extremely last minute! Haha. I'm glad that you have a blog now! Welcome to the club!

  3. Happy to be along for the ride... through your blog of course! :)

  4. I feel so loved! Click on the word Anaka to see a short video about the school!

  5. i'm here raysa!! all is well again :P

