Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Atanga School Strike

Today there was a strike by the students at Atanga Secondary School. This means that the Teacher Exchange will not be going to tAtanga village (border town to Sudan) this summer. Since I am going to Anaka we had a meeting to decide, among the 7 of us who were going to be in the villages, who really wanted to go to the vilages and who would not mind staying in town. I left the decision up to the new people. I love the town and would love the opportunity to see the village but I have great relationships in town I can improve upon as well.

I should probably explain the school system in Uganda. It is very similar to the 1920's British education system. They have 7 years of primary school referred to as P1 - P7, then they have 6 years of Secondary School referred to as S1- S6. The first four years are referred to as Ordinary levels, or O levels (yea HP!) and the students sit for their national exams at the end of their S4 year. They then work on S5 and S6 which is referred to Advanced or A levels.

It turns out another math person REALLY wanted to go to the village so I traded places. I will be working at Sacred Heart Secondary School (). It is an all girl school. I am very excited to be working with the girls this year because last year I worked at St Joseph's Layibi College, an all boys school. While I loved working with the boys, I am very happy to get to work with the girls of Gulu town!

Today I picked up my outfit from Irene in the market. The outfit fit perfectly and looked great! On my way out of the market I stopped by my friend Patrick's stall.

Patrick is now a medical student. He just finished his first year of medical school. Last summer he was working for his brother while trying to figure out what to do. He knew i would look for him at his brother's stall so he waited for me there. He took 2 weeks before leaving for Kitgum so he could welcome me back to Gulu. Kitgum is a village northeast of Gulu where he will be spending time doing medical practice.

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