Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm's tragic news

Today is a sad day. There was a terrorist attack in Kampala by a Somalia terrorist group. One of the Americans killed was a roadie for Invisible Children (click here for more info). The people at the Invisible Children office were understandably shaken up. The roadie's name was Nat. He had come out 2 weeks earlier than the rest of the roadies to meet up with people he had befriended in Kampala. One of my friends in Kampala witnessed the whole tragedy. He survived. He left the Rugby club with his friends minutes before everything happened and he is now trying to deal with the dead bodies and blood he saw every where.

In Gulu, I feel safe. It is not a target. We are 6 hours north of where everything happened. I feel deep sorrow for my friends who had to witness such an atrocity. I feel pain for my fellow lover of northern Uganda and Invisible Children who lost his life. But most of all my heart goes out to Nat's family who will now be trying to make sense out of this tragedy.

This is a sad reminder that we live in a world tinged by hate and heavily marked by poverty.
Somalia is a place where terrorism caan flourish because there is no hope.

I am ok, thank God, but the hurt will live on and the terrorism will continue until we start caring about ALL of our fellow human beings.

Let's fight this act of terror with love and peace and not by adding anymore hate to this horribly fallen world.

One Love,


  1. So glad you're ok! I'll be praying for the community.

  2. I am releaved to hear that you are ok. I'm praying for everyone.

  3. Hey, chica! Just wanted you to know that I've got your back in prayer. Have a joy and peace filled week.

    Blessings and hugs,


  4. Stay safe Raysa! Hurry back home!
